About us

FLE Compliance Ltd is a registered company in the United Kingdom. 

FLE Compliance is a well-established international company based in the United Kingdom that has been providing services since 2005. The company provides consulting services to organizations, countries, and firms to improve their compliance with financial crime laws and regulations.

FLE has been engaged in various projects in recent years aimed at improving Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) efforts in various countries. Some of the activities included providing technical assistance to the legal sector, conducting workshops and training sessions, researching the issue of duplicate financing, conducting sectoral risk assessments of the real estate sector, finalizing studies on beneficial ownership transparency, providing expert assistance for financial investigations, conducting extractive industries integrity studies, and assessing EU Member States on the implementation of the EU Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive. The team member was also involved in developing training materials and delivering training courses, conducting seminars, participating in internal meetings with the UNODC, and developing policy briefings on sanctions and enforcement for ensuring compliance with beneficial ownership transparency. Additionally, they provided technical assistance for conducting AML/CFT risk assessments of the banking sector. 

These projects demonstrate the FLE Compliance Team's dedication and commitment to promoting compliance with AML/CFT measures and strengthening efforts to counter financial crime. Overall, FLE Compliance has played a key role in helping countries improve their AML/CFT compliance and stop financial crime by giving them technical help, research, and training.

FLE (previously known as ‘FLE Legal Education’) was established in 2005 as the foremost provider of the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test (QLTT) in the Indian Sub-Continent, and was set up with the support of the Law Society of England and Wales and the British High Commissioner, New Delhi. QLTT was conducted in India by FLE in conjunction with Central Law Training (CLT), UK, and successful completion allows practising Indian lawyers to be admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of the Supreme Court of England and Wales. The programme was launched in India to allow Indian lawyers to take this test while in their home country.