National Risk Assessment tool

AiNRA Tool

National Risk Assessment Tool

FLE has developed AiNRA Tool to assist countries in systematically conducting national risk assessments. Our tool has been developed to support countries in comprehensively investigating and analysing money laundering and financing of terrorism threats, vulnerabilities and consequences. The tool can be customised as per country-specific needs and requirements following discussions, previous national risk assessment and research methodologies.

Highlights of the AiNRA Tool:

  • AiNRA is a tool to investigate ML/FT threats and vulnerabilities in the country.

  • AiNRA tool is developed following FATF risk assessment guidelines to conduct national risk assessments.

  • AiNRA tool provides standard templates and questionnaires for data collection and analysis that can be customised as per country requirements.

  • AiNRA tool is fully capable to identify any gaps in the AML/CFT systems (through heat maps) after analysing the collected data and to recommend priority mitigating actions.

AiRA Tool